Egypt has more than 100 pyramids that are spread all over the country. These pyramid structures are made up of sandstone brick. The pyramids were built for the rulers of Egypt. The first pyramid that was built in Egypt was the Pyramid of Djoser during the third dynasty.
The three most well-known Egyptian pyramids are the Pyramids of Giza. These pyramids were built on the outskirts of Cairo. They are located five miles from the old city of Giza which resides on the Nile River.
The Pyramid of Khufu at Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid ever built. These pyramids are included as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The three are named the great pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), the pyramid of Khafre (Khafra) and the pyramid of Menkaure. The pyramid of Menkaure has three smaller pyramids that are right next to this main structure and are called the Queen’s Pyramids.
The pyramids at Giza attract great tourist attention every year. Out of all the three pyramids at Giza, only the pyramid of Khafre retains some parts of the originally polished limestone casing near its pinnacle. To the naked eye, the pyramid of Khafre looks to be the tallest, but in reality the pyramid of Khufu is the tallest of them all. Nearby, visitors can see the huge sculpture of the Great Sphinx. There are also many cemeteries and a village where the workers lived. The Pyramids of Giza are the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the World.
Pictures & Photos

Photo by: Tom@HK

Photo by: mrs logic

Photo by: tinou bao

Photo by: apdk

Photo by: storozhenko

Photo by: daveness 98

Photo by: Daveness_98

Photo by: nileguide

Photo by: gloria_euyoque

Photo by: BillBl

Photo by: jackversloot

Photo by: Egypt 2005

Photo by: jackversloot

Photo by: Paul Mannix

Photo by: Charlie Phillips

Photo by: gotplaid

Photo by: Wikipedia

Photo by: Andrew Currie

Photo by: Egypt
its ok but put way more info on where is was built and who built it ok bye
was where it when builted on was site
I could probly do this in about 2 weeks. Pyramid building is easy.
it is not so easy to build a pyramid you know. but i think it is amazing how the slaves carryed the masive “casing stones”. they must have fed the slaves alot.
My cosin did a big project on the pyramid of giza. it took them over 20 years to compleat it and after that most of the slaves died so the phero said that they can once more be FREE. βΊβ»
yhea i understand how they died esh that is prtty harsh. Pice out peeps π
some of these photos dont look real like this one
I think of mumies when a word EGYPT strike me but i do not believe in them but i do.
u gys are stuupid expecially u kyle jeany. do u knw how to
this website is suckish nd u guys r stuupid..thers noo way for n e body to learn on this site …so delet it learn about egypt b4 u make a website about it again.. GOT IT!!!
* @cassy if ur gonna say stuff spell it right.. how old r u nd dont knw how to spell PEACE ;p8
i hate giza there were camels that pooped on heads
@ john stein .. yea right noyone can do that*
dude you me Eygpt yeah π
i would like to have some more information about it although it was a good effort.
Egypt rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! π
this is not too cool i typed in the khafre pyramid and this comes up lolz π π π π <3 hahahha teehheeee.eoe swd
i whant to visit the pyramids they look so cool
Someone writes that the pyramids of Egypt are made of sandstone. They are not. Generally they are limestone.
@ kayla j and who do you think you are to judge these people .. ?
and please use CORRECT GRAMMAR when you tease somebody on how to spell appropriately .. u idiot !!
I love these pictures too! They are so professional compared to the other photos.
Love the information too!
You should give it in other languages as well!
You should add more on it’s geography.
The pyramid was built by Atlantians who escaped the deluge
The three larger pyramids were build by people from another dimension(the space between spaces). and the other three were built by humans as we watched these being perform their task(as you can see the smaller ones aren’t very well made because they are not advanced in technology as the supernatural beings are)
i think this is alsome so i used the pics for homework
Add more info about the pyramids internal built by humans
I Love this pyramids.this is really awasome for me.
there’s a mysterious magic behind these lovely pyramids. the pics.are awesome. would like to visit there someday. sounds bizzare but interesting.
there’s a mysterious magic behind these lovely pyramids. the pics.are awesome. would like to visit there someday. sounds bizzare but interesting
pyramids are big
I think Egypt Pyramids are made by Aliens…
this are really huge but good legendaries of Egypt wish to study such architecture