Christ the Redeemer is a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The statue is 120 ft tall and weighs 635 tons. It is now a part of the modern Seven Wonders of the World. It is located on Corcovado Mountain at its peak 700 meters, or 2,300 feet high in the Tujuca Forest National Park overlooking the city. The statue is made of concrete and soapstone. As a symbol of Christianity, it has become an important icon of Brazil, with Jesus Christ appearing to open his arms wide to embrace the entire city below.
The 1850s marked the first time it was suggested to construct a statue of Christ on the top of Carcovado by Catholic priest Pedro Maria Boss. The request of the finance was sent to Princess Isabel to build this huge religious mountain. Initially, the idea was dismissed. Finally, in 1921, the Catholic Circle of Rio proposed plans for a large statue of Christ.
During this time, in order to gain more publicity, the group organized an event for a week where donations were taken from the public and signatures were taken for those who were in favor of building the statue. Most of the donations came from the Brazilian Catholics. A lot of suggestions were given; some suggested that the cross of the Christ should be represented along with Christ, or that the statue should be of Jesus with a globe in his hands. Finally, a statue of Jesus with open arms was chosen. Construction of this religious symbol took nine years to complete, beginning in 1922 and ending in 1931. It was struck by lightning in February of 2008 during an electrical storm. Several trees were felled, but the statue was left unscathed, owing to the fact that it was made with a top layer of soapstone, which is a good insulator.
Traveling to Christ The Redeemer
Devotees flock to the site to get a sense of the peace and hope it provides, and ordinary tourists approach it to appease their curiosity regarding the spirituality that this statue evokes in many. Once in Rio, the monument can be reached by taxi or, if a more scenic route is preferred, by train from Rua Cosme Velho.
Pictures & Photos

Photo by: markgee6

Photo by: prijordao

Photo by: herval

Photo by: soldon

Photo by: monicadebiase

Photo by: slapbcn

Photo by: laszlo-photo

Photo by: wikicommons

Photo by: soldon

Photo by: over_kind_man

Photo by: over_kind_man

Photo by: laszlo-photo

Photo by: mozzercork

Photo by: exfordy

Photo by: soldon

Photo by: herval

Photo by: darkpatator

Photo by: vlinzmayer

Photo by: soldon

Photo by: herval

Photo by: herval
I loved this picture iam from india
I love god
Pizza is very yummy
I am from india but was born in china im not brazilian <3 cheese
thiss iss so awesomee
Hi, I am a teacher from the state of Paraná, Brazil and I am
developing an Educational project for public schools in my state
PDE(Educational Project Development). My project is about the New
Seven Wonders of the World. While I was doing researches, I found some
texts, about Petra,Chichen Itzá,Machu Picchu,Taj Mahal,Coloseum,
The Great Wall of China, The Christ Redeemer,that might be appropriate for including it in my project. So, I would like to ask your permission to use and republish these texts in my work.
I am very much thankful and looking forward for your answer.
Very best wishes
Leoni Debastiani Bonotto
looks cool! god eez good all e time, all e time god eez good! ^_^
i licked ur muum
That is just simply amazing,THANK’S
Why this awful image of Evil Jesus… which link with Christ the Redeemer?
I cant wait when we will see Him face to Face with open hands, beholding His beauty. That’s the real wonder
i am muslim i will never never never like this statu beter to pot statu of allah allahu akbar allah is the grate
god is the power of the earth…. jesus christ is my power i love you jesus, thank you for the redemption that u gave me
my god is love and i 9 year old and im from phillipines i want to go their god is great and lovelovable
Yo guys.
Lol cut and paste for homewooorrrkk.
Wow. This realy helped me write a essay about the statue. i got a 5a xxxx
very beautiful pictures
Here is a great picture of the Corcovado
Hello, I loooooooove the statue. I am very upset to the people who say they don`t like it. Jesus is the saviour of the world. There will be a day when Jesus will come back to earth and take everybody with him to heaven. I beleive in Jesus and I know that I will go to be with Jesus.
Jesus is light and he is the SAVIOR of the entire world!! It is true!!
Whoever dissagrees with my words above, well you should change your minds, because soon it will be the end of your life and you will die and go to a horrible spiritual place called HELL. Nobody likes the place at all. But once you get Into HELL there is NO way of getting out.
My words above are true and I shall never part with them as long as I live. I am a christian! Are you??
You want to know more, read the book called the BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God is the most powerful man in the whole world and he is the one who can save us! (And Japan) So pray now xD
very beautiful pictures
omg i so wish i can visit this place some day its a very beautiful place AMAZING!!!! 😀
God is the most powerful man in the whole world 🙂
it looks varey coo.
god will save us when wrold war 3 happins
I am JENNY From Bangkok (thailand) and i Wanna travel there aa >.< It look so Great ^O^
I just love the comments from our Muslim brothers so full of
hate and indiffernce , and thats why the world hates you too
So beautiful. Lovely if I may say. All this is ruined by the evil jesus.The JESUS I know has no connections with evil Shame on whoever fixed that photo here
This is just BORING!! LOL.. Dont think i am sayin that cos i am a muslim but to be honest.. this is just too much.. :/
LOL!! I like the evil jesus pic.. hahahahahhahaahaaaa.. that is AWESOME!!
If jesus is so cool why dont you just kill your’re self and meet him
(hypothetically of course)
Oh yeah you go to hell, well what if I kill you(hypothetically of course)
and then you go right to heaven and I to hell. Its a win win situation because I being as unselfish as to willingly cast my self to hell for the good of another would then be granted access into heaven! Its the ultimate heaven hack. Please tell me how that wouldnt work.
God is the most powerful man in the whole world 🙂
Portray a professional photographer
Thank you My God, My Saviour, My everything. For those people who hate this Statue i understand because everyone of us has different beliefs and mybe they believe to their Gods. Someday you will find out who is the Real God. But, this is just my piece advice to these people. Don’t you ever discremanate again what christian people beliefs. Have a Great day to everyone… May God bless us
I like what ShanieloveGod said. I’m a christian. I love Jesus so much……… Jesus is our Saviour. I don’t want to blame on other religions. Everybody trust their gods. I also believe in Jesus. So, if you don’t believe in Jesus, please stay like that and don’t say that Jesus is evil. Jesus is not an evil. He’s the son of god and our saviour. For me, I won’t say bad things about others’ Gods. They won’t also be like if I say bad things to their Gods.
So, please take peace all…… 🙂
We Muslims also believe in Christ but the difference is that we belief him as a Prophet not as God. Allah is the one who created him, how can he be the God? And in Quran (our Holy Book), Allah says “I HAVE NO SON AND NO FATHER” so we don’t believe that he has any son.
God = Christ = Holy Spirit = TRINITY
for those who hate Christianity, may GOD BLESS YOU!
very beautiful pictures<3
So awesome 🙂
It’s my great ambition to see, in reality, the wonderful work of art. I love Jesus the Redeemer.
For those who don’t appreciate it just keep it to yourself or if you want make also statue of Allah for you not to say anything about other religion. It is our belief and we don’t contradict in what you believe so just respect and someday you will realzed that what you’re saying is wrong about Jesus. God-Jesu-Ho;y Spirit are just one. That’s the amazing things about it. And besides there’s no perfect religion at all. It’s our heart and our relationship to our God that matters. God bless you.
i love statue of christ the redeem wth all m heart n my soul ,it gives me power to prey my lord our god of love .A man who protect m every minuts n second .A man who gave m life,wisdom and knowledge .whn i look at dat statue it gvs m power 2 pray m lord our god of love n hapieness thx lord love you ,god bless u all
very beauty pictures
Even though i am a hindu i LIKE CHRISTIAN culture a lot…………..:)…….