Easter Island Weather

Easter Island weather is characterized by low daily thermal fluctuations, with a well distributed rainfall throughout the year. The average summer high temperatures range between 77 to 81°F (25 – 27 °C), with the lows being between 64°F and 68°F (18 – 20 °C).


Winter has an average temperature of 68 °F (20°C) high, with lows of 59°F (15°C). Winter season runs from June to September, while summer is between December and March.

Rest of the year

For the most part of the year, this island off Chile is exposed to trade winds that blow towards the northeast. There is heavier rainfall between April and May, with the annual average rainfall at 43 inches (1,100 mm).

The best season to visit Easter Island is during the summer, between December and March. Make sure to carry wind proof jackets, strap-able hats and sweaters as the winds can be very strong. This wind, however, makes this hot season feel cooler than it really is.

The winter season is not very cold, with the general weather in this island being comfortable compared to the extreme temperature in the northern hemisphere.

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